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Clayton, NC


Whiplash is a condition caused by over one million rear-end auto accidents that occur in the U.S. each year. Classic symptoms of whiplash are headaches, dizziness, neck pain, upper back pain, shoulder, jaw and/or arm pain. When people get the appropriate care from Chiropractors they usually heal very well. Without the proper care, it is estimated that nearly one in four cases will become chronic, resulting in long-term pain, discomfort and disability.

Chiropractic Partners in Clayton has a special ability and interest in helping you after an auto accident.

We offer a broad range of treatments including Chiropractic care, electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, traction, massage and massage tables and in some cases acupuncture also. These all help to get you better and healed as quickly as possible after an accident so you can get back to work and back to enjoying your life. We will do all we can to help your injury. In addition to our treatment we will work with you and your insurance company, medical doctor, hospital and attorney to help you.

Many auto accident victims whose only complaint is stiff neck or headache often have permanent injury that doesn’t show up on a standard x-ray. These untreated injuries eventually lead to pain and arthritis years later. By then, it is too late. You can get some relief but cannot fix the problem.

According to a study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Medicine 1999: Volume 21, No.1, chiropractic is the only proven effective treatment for treating whiplash. So don’t wait and don’t settle your auto accident claim until you learn how much injury you have suffered and get the proper treatment for your pain now.

Schedule an appointment today! If you live in southeast Raleigh, 40/42 area, Clayton or the Smithfield / Selma, Willow Springs or Benson areas you are close to us and we can help.

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Chiropractic Partners of Clayton: Safe, Gentle, Knowledgeable and Transformative...
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