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Clayton, NC

We Fix Back Pain

People get back pain for a lot of different reasons. Most commonly it is because people are doing heavy work, bending, lifting and twisting and strain their backs which causes the muscles to tighten. This pulls the bones and pinches the nerves and the discs.

Unfortunately because we continue to do this work the problem cannot fix itself and needs someone else to fix it. Dr. Ferez and his team can fix these problems.

We use gentle therapy and chiropractic adjustments to relax the muscles and loosen the bones that are pinching the nerves and discs. Many people who work hard, play sports or are constantly moving develop back pain that only gets worse with time and it does not go away on its own.

Our offices help people get rid of their back pain, neck pain and pain radiating down the legs. We speak Spanish in our office and we accept cash or insurance plans. We specialize in treating people who have been in automobile accidents also.

If you or anybody you know are having back pain we can help. If we can’t we will send you to somebody who can.

So schedule an appointment today. We use state of the art therapy and Chiropractic adjustments. Sometimes we also use acupuncture and massage to help people get rid of their back pain.

If you live in southeast Raleigh, the 40/42 area, Clayton or the Smithfield / Selma, Willow Springs or Benson areas you are close to us and we can help you !!!

Call Anytime….

Chiropractic Partners in Clayton on Hwy 70 across from the ABC Store at (919)-550-9355., or
Cleveland Chiropractic and Massage in Garner at the 40/42 intersection at (919)-772-7996.

Book a Consultation Today!

Chiropractic Partners of Clayton: Safe, Gentle, Knowledgeable and Transformative...

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Met your deductible?

If so, there is no better time to get rid of pain than now! Reach out to us for help with your health insurance benefits.

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