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Clayton, NC

But What If It’s Physical?

What’s your definition of health? Most Americans equate health with the lack of symptoms or serious disease in the body. But the World Health Organization has adopted the following definition of health: “A state of optimal physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.”

Ask the next person you meet how their health is and they’ll probably answer, “Oh just fine, I get a lot of headaches, but you know, with allergy season and stress at work and home, that’s just normal right?” Maybe instead of headaches it will be their back or knees or shoulders. Maybe they’re tired or cranky all the time. So many of us learn to “live with the pain” because, well, it’s normal right? NO, it’s not normal, and it’s not healthy, and it’s not just because you’re getting older. Your right shoulder is just as old as your painful left one, and your left knee is just as old as your painful right. So, what’s the problem? Evidently many people feel their symptoms are caused by a lack of medicine in their bodies and they try to remedy this by swallowing as many pain relievers as possible. This works temporarily and then you know what? The pain comes right back. But hey, that’s normal right? And if it gets bad enough, well, there’s always surgery!

With kids the signs can be dramatically different. Often children will not complain about symptoms but their overall demeanor or energy level may change. This can affect their ability to learn, read, participate in sports, and physically and mentally develop to their full potential. Chronic ear infections, diagnoses of ADD or ADHD and learning disabilities are all very common problems with young children. When kids do have physical pain it is a sign that there is definitely something wrong with their bodies.

Well, what if the problem is physical? What if your body is not reaching its full potential? And what if the solution lies in balancing the body so it can function as it’s designed to? Not just symptom free but stress resistant, full of energy, and with boosted immunity. Healthy. Your body and your child’s are designed to function this way and are capable of doing so if given the right stimulus.

Don’t just remove the symptoms

Health can be achieved and maintained when your emphasis shifts toward creating optimum function, not simply removing symptoms. A balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and chiropractic care are all part of the natural, “physical” process of restoring health. Chiropractic is part of this equation for children and adults because balance is precisely what we attempt to achieve with the safe, gentle “adjustments” we make to the spine and other areas of the body. Couple this with the dietary, exercise and stress management advice we are qualified and trained to provide and you have a recipe for correcting a “physical” problem.

There are no miracle cures or guarantees given with any form of healthcare delivery system. But doesn’t it make sense that your body has the ability to do what no doctor, medication or procedure can do …heal itself. Chiropractors understand the physical body. We’re trained on providing health not focusing on disease. If you think you or your children have a physical problem that you’d like to correct, call us or schedule an appointment. It’s your body and your choice, make it a wise one.

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