According to the U.S. Dept. of Labor, Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD) like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), now accounts for over 40% of all work place injuries making it the #1 Worker’s Comp. claim in the U.S. CTD is characterized by progressive numbness, tingling, swelling, and debilitating pain, and eventual weakness and loss of function of the hand and wrist. CTD is caused by a structural misalignment of the muscles, nerves, tendons and bones passing from the neck to the wrist and hand causing entrapment and irritation of these tissues.

Repetitive micro‑trauma (small injuries) from typing, hammering, gardening, cutting hair and many other activities where the wrists are traumatized or held in an awkward position on a continual basis all are very real and very common factors that contribute to this condition. Taking birth control pills and/or other medications can also influence onset of symptoms. They may take years to develop but once they do you’ll know it!
Is surgery necessary?
Until recently CTD has been treated exclusively with surgery, which further debilitates patients for two to six more weeks. Sometimes this is necessary, but surgery has been shown to be unsuccessful in over 50% of patients after two years. Typically, the combination of surgery and rehab, financial compensation, temporary help and loss of productivity can cost the employer a minimum of $14‑$17,000 and possibly cost the patient their career. Why such a low success rate? Because most cases are misdiagnosed as a problem originating in the wrist when more often than not the entrapment of tissues begins in the neck, shoulder, forearm or elbow.
Many sufferers have been forced to lose their careers, becoming totally incapacitated by this dreadful condition. This is unnecessary! Prevention, correction and management of CTD at any stage is best handled through redesign of the workplace (Ergonomics), a daily exercise and nutritional program designed specifically for the individual patient, and structural realignment of the neck, elbow, wrist and hand.
Chiropractic Partners of Clayton can Help
Chiropractors provide all these services and are extensively trained in detection and correction of the cause of these and similar problems. We treat these problems with chiropractic “adjustments” which are safe, gentle corrections to the spine and extremities as well as with state of the art therapies like electrical muscle stimulation, acupuncture, ultrasound, and traction. Many similar to those found in physical therapy clinics. We can also analyze your diet and workplace to see if these may be contributing factors and help you make corrections. We take a particular interest in non‑invasive procedures aimed at minimizing cost, loss of work, and discomfort to the patient. In fact, the entire course of chiropractic care may be less expensive and time consuming than the initial myriad of diagnostic testing alone used in “traditional” treatment.
Patients treated with chiropractic care may not even be forced to miss work depending on the severity of their symptoms and success of their treatment. Chiropractic is conservative, alternative healthcare that can provide rapid, long lasting results. If you are experiencing even minor symptoms that you think may be CTD related, give us a call.
Remember the six most dangerous words regarding your health; “I thought it would go away.”
It’s your body and your choice, make it a wise one. Call us or schedule an appointment online today.