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Clayton, NC

Do I Need a Chiropractor?

Do you know how your body works? Chiropractors do! We know that everything you do, think or feel is directed from your brain to each of your 460 trillion cells like an information super‑highway. In fact the nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves) is so important in controlling your health it’s considered the “master system” of the body in medical texts. Only when your nervous system is communicating efficiently with your body can you function at your best. And only when your 206 bones, 360 joints, 640 muscles and 100 billion nerves are lined up properly can your body work correctly. Chiropractors focus on maintaining your nervous system at it’s full potential by lining up your body with safe and gentle chiropractic adjustments!

Why don’t all healthcare providers take this approach? Because most “health” care is really “disease” care. That is why patients should always see their medical doctors regularly but also help maintain their health with the help of a chiropractor. Most patients dangerously think that once there are no physical symptoms there are no problems. That’s not ok. The first symptom of heart disease in 40% of people is a fatal heart attack. Symptoms are your body’s way of telling you there is an underlying problem that needs to be addressed. Listen to your body. Listen to the symptoms but treat the cause of the problem.

Someone I love very dearly, my son, has Type 1 diabetes. This is truly a chemical problem that medicine can help. Without modern medical care he could not survive. Medicine is awesome as is the medical profession. But if the problem is physical, very often chiropractic can help.


Symptoms can be the last to come and the first to go. If we remove symptoms only, we’re left with dysfunction and disease progression we can’t even feel! Doesn’t it make sense to try to correct the “cause” of the problem, nervous system dysfunction, and remove symptoms and thus reduce disease progression in the process? That’s what chiropractors do when we deliver safe, gentle chiropractic adjustments. Preventive and maintenance care to help our patients reach 100% of their potential. We make corrections to their spines allowing the proper communication between brain and body. And if there are other problems that we recognize may require medical attention, we refer immediately.

If you think chiropractic could help you feel, function, and live a better life, you think like we do. Consult a chiropractor to see if they could help your family’s health. Most chiropractic offices will offer a no charge initial consultation to discuss if chiropractic or a medical doctor could help you. So try chiropractic, just for the health of it. All you have to lose is your pain, all you have to gain is your health!

Our office, Chiropractic Partners in Clayton offers Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Muscle Stimulation, Ultrasound, Spinal Decompression Therapy, and other forms of alternative healthcare. If you hurt call us today to start on the road to recovery. With over 400 5 Star Reviews we are near you and here to help. Schedule an appointment today!

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Chiropractic Partners of Clayton: Safe, Gentle, Knowledgeable and Transformative...
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