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Clayton, NC

Guess I’m Just Getting Old

If you believe your right shoulder hurts because it’s old, then why doesn’t your left shoulder hurt? If you think your knees hurt because of wear and tear why don’t your equally battered hips or feet also hurt? If you hurt all over, why aren’t you seeing a chiropractor instead of taking pain medication?

A lot of people with health problems learn to live with their discomfort because they think it’s part of the normal aging process. People with daily back or neck pain, 3 to 4 headaches a month (or week!) accept their discomfort as “normal”. Well, it’s not. Not all 30-year-olds have daily back pain and not all 40 or even 60 year olds have regular headaches! Those that do are not victims of aging but rather victims of their own beliefs.

Each year an estimated 41,000 people are hospitalized from taking too many non‑steroidal anti‑inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, advil and non-aspirin pain relievers like acetaminophen or tylenol. Because NSAID’s are so common, we tend to think of them and other pain relievers as harmless and take them every day. While these and other medications have their place, they are not meant as a cure for chronic pain and malfunction. And continued use of these to “mask” the problem only acts to further destroy joints, tighten muscles, and allow the degeneration and pain in your body to progress.

Many people tell me they’ve never had back pain so they’ve never had reason to seek chiropractic care. But many of these people are experiencing other problems for which they are taking medication or even considering surgery. Chiropractic is not only about putting your back in place. It’s about naturally restoring proper communication between the brain and body and improving health.

What is it for?

Chiropractic treatment is aimed at decreasing pain and symptoms naturally, allowing the body to heal itself and in many cases reverse the disease process. We focus on relieving nerve pressure and restoring motion to the muscles and joints of the body. The fluid that lubricates joints (synovial fluid) also bathes the moving bones to reduce friction, remove waste and nourish the surrounding area. The nerves encasing the joints send signals to and from the brain. When a joint is “fixated” or not moving well it cannot communicate it’s position and movement patterns to the brain properly, nor can it nourish itself. So, it breaks down. This causes pain, stiffness and further degeneration leading to arthritis! Chiropractic gets fixated joints moving again and reduces stiffness, pain and muscle spasm and also improves coordination. When function is restored, health is improved and pain reduced.

Try Chiropractic!

The power of the body to heal itself is awesome. But sometimes it needs a push in the right direction. That’s what chiropractors do! And many chiropractors like myself offer a free initial consultation to discuss your problem. We’ll tell you if we can help and explain how we’ll do it, so you can make an educated decision about your healthcare. We help people who think they can’t be helped. Try chiropractic first!

Dr. Nicholas J. Ferez operates Chiropractic Partners in Clayton. We specialize in chiropractic healthcare for the entire family offering chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, nutritional and exercise therapy for their patients. Contact us today by phone 919-550‑9355 or schedule an appointment today!

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