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Clayton, NC

Were You In A Car Accident?

Sometimes when we drive accidents happen. Many times other people are on their phone or not paying attention and the result is motor vehicle accidents. Accidents like these cause damage to cars and also to people. If you have been in an accident where somebody hit you we can help.

The most common pain after a motor vehicle accident is headaches and neck pain caused by whiplash, back pain and radiation of pain down the arms or legs. When people go to the emergency room or just take medication to try to reduce the pain they think it will just go away on its own. If the accident has caused your muscles to tighten and bones to move and nerves to get pinched like in a whiplash situation you will not get better but only get worse without the proper care.

After an injury, Dr. Ferez and his team can help your body heal. In our office we use gentle therapy, heat, massage, acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments to help the muscles relax, the nerves to calm down and your body to heal properly. If you have been in an accident don’t wait for your body to heal itself.

Call us today at Chiropractic Partners in Clayton or Cleveland Chiropractic and Massage at the 40/42 intersection. We will work with your medical doctors, we can refer you to an attorney if needed and most importantly we can help you get better !!!

If the accident was somebody else’s fault there is no charge to you each visit. You don’t have to pay anything until you settle your case. The Dr. and staff members speak Spanish fluently and we can help you not only get better but also help you figure out what you need to do to get the proper reimbursement from the person who hurt you.

If you are hurting or know anybody who has been in an accident don’t wait, schedule your appointment today.

Book a Consultation Today!

Chiropractic Partners of Clayton: Safe, Gentle, Knowledgeable and Transformative...

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